11 Bedford Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1B 3RE
Rooms BSQ003 & BSQ005
*for TECHNE students only
Speakers: Professor John Ó Maoilearca (Kingston), Steven Fowler (Kingston), Patricia Phillippy (Kingston) and Tim Chamberlain (Director of The Wild Tree Adventures)
Chair: Dr Nick Foxton (Kingston)
Drawing on perspectives from the visual arts, performance, film, literature, creative writing and philosophy, this launch frames future events by exploring how the environmental humanities contribute to interdisciplinary research agendas, and how their concern for questions of dialogue, transgression, and transformation posits a particular intervention into the challenges of the Anthropocene. We take encountering both as the sensory meeting of species with each other and/or the natural world, and as the intellectual and artistic encounter between disciplines that concern for this activity facilitates. Bringing together academics, practitioners and students, this event will place interactive participatory activities alongside more formalised discussion and dialogue, laying the foundation for the non-hierarchical learning community of future events.
5 - 6.30pm: presentations and roundtable discussions
6.30 - 7pm: delicious canapés, wine and soft drinks